Nlds 2011

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Church Massacre in South Carolina

Today I will be writing about something other then sports.
On June 17, 2015,  a 21 year old named Dylann Roof  opened fire at a historical black church in South Carolina.
He killed nine people, one of whom was the pastor of the church and a state senator of South Carolina.
This crime was a racial hate crime as the mentally ill shooter killed black people and wanted South Carolina to go back to being a Confederate State.
The shooter tried to kill himself after he committed the hate crime, but his gun that he somehow acquired, ran out of bullets.
So Dylann knowing that police would be on his tail took off in a car and sped away.
The police eventually found and caught Dylann and then they brought him in for interrogation.

I do not get why people with crazy thoughts keep getting guns and causing harm to innocent humans.
Someone needs to do something about gun control now!

Because of this, the South Carolina government decided to remove the Confederate flag from the capital building.
I think this is a good idea, but it should have happened earlier because the Confederacy folded over 100 years ago.

This horrible event has implications, not just in South Carolina, but in the whole nation as it's another act of racial terrorism and slaughtering of innocent people.

This follows up the white policemen killing black men in Ferguson Missouri, New York, and many other places around America. That was bad enough, but this South Carolina incident is worse.

Dylann actually had racial hatred as he wanted to reestablish the Confederacy and bring harm to the African Americans.
That is horrible and I am sure that he will be in jail for life after he goes through a trial.

I hope that America can get a hand on this racial terrorism issue soon before it escalates more then it has been. African Americans have  already started rioting after the Ferguson debacle and I don't want more racial terrorism to happen because it could eventually lead to a civil war or a different way of revolt/violence  from the black people of our nation.

This was a break from sports because I didn't have a good idea of what to write about.
When you hear from me next, I will be back to sports.

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